Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Rendering Fabrics (Hand and Photoshop)

As part of my homework I tried 2 different forms of rendering for fabrics. I first tried traditional forms of pencil and paint and collage but I think the resuls were not very realistic, I think this was parcially due to my lack of enthusiasm for hand rendering as my previous colletion was all hand rendered and took alot of time an effort. I then tried photoshopping some of my scanned in fabris onto my early sketches. I think this created a very realitic idea of what these garments would look like in realtiy and If I keep most of my images photoshop based It means I can easly change, layer and duplicate things.

Hand rendering silk, felt and knit. Pretty poor job.

Rendering stithed felt, Using burn tool and masks. I think it looks far to shiny due to light tool and the over colour is very strong, however this could b ue to the current computer im using.

Rendering silk using a mask, burn tool and opacity. I think it is hard to set the opacity correctly as it depends what computer your on to how bright it looks.

Rendering Knit using scanned in hand knint. Split the knit up and duplicated it, also using masks and burn tool.

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